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Rick & Carol are huge underwater goers! When they're not hard at work, you can find them with their lens somewhere under the sea, capturing some of mother nature's beauty. Below are some photos from their travels around the globe. Click on them to learn the identity of each of these beautiful underwater creatures.
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Giant clam & soft coral
Lion fish in giant barrel sponge
Fire dartfish
Hawksbill sea turtle
Burr fish
Neck crab
Sea sponge
Anemone fish / clownfish
Dorid nudibranch
Pygmy seahorse. Fun fact: this little guy measures only 1/8" tall!
Feather star
Feather star
Sting ray
Blue ribbon eel
Splendid toad fish
Trunk fish
Red lip blennies
Juvenile rockmover wrasse
Sea lion with pup
Hawksbill sea turtle
Lizard fish
Fiji sunset
Spike Fish
Mr. Squid
Trumpet Fish
Cleaner shrimp and anemone (1 of 3)
Cleaner shrimp and anemone (2 of 3)
Cleaner shrimp and anemone (3 of 3)
Soft coral
Pipe fish